
Dr. Eleni P. Kalogianni, DEA, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Food Science and Technology

School of Geotechnical Sciences

International Hellenic University




Contact Information:


Department of Food Science and Technology

International Hellenic Univeristy

P.O BOX 141
GR – 574 00 Sindos,

Tessaloniki, GREECE

Telephone Number: +302310013907

e-mail address: elekalo@food.teithe.gr, elekalo@ihu.gr, elenkalogian@gmail.com

Scientific Interests

  • Frying

Changes induced by the frying process the to food being fried and to the frying medium

Novel apparatus and method that determines oil quality degradation during frying

  • Dynamics of Interfaces

Dynamic interfacial tension and interfacial rheology (dilatational and shear): effect in colloidal food systems and relation to food quality

Capillary penetration, solid/liquid contact angle: effect and transfer in complex food systems

  • Technology and Quality Control of Dietary Oils and Fats

Olive oil technology and quality control

Oils and fats technology and quality control

Technology and quality control of complex fat/oil based dispersions such as chocholate/praline fillings

Current Teaching


Undergraduate level

1. Technology and Quality Control of Oils and Fats

a) Theory

b) Laboratory practice

Laboratory practice is held in the Olive Oil Lab

3. Food Process Engineering

Laboratory practice

The laboratory practice is held in the Food Process Engineering Laboratory (FPLE)- Pilot Plant (http://www.food.teithe.gr/category.php?lang=en&id=16)

Postgraduate level

Dynamic intrfacial properties in food systems

The laboratory practice is held in the Central  Research Laboratory for the Physical and Chemical Testing of Foods (http://www.food.teithe.gr/category.php?lang=en&id=15)